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Chi Designの製品目標は、徐々に消えつつある伝統工芸産業を現代美学に




將逐漸消失的傳統工藝產業,根據現代美學進行重新設計,並融入現代生活空間中。Chi Design的產品結合了日本各地與台灣的代表性技術,將日本傳統工藝之美與台灣的工業技術傳遞給全世界。每件產品都由職人手工修整,展現職人的細緻工法與手感的溫度。

Redesigning the fading traditional crafts with modern aesthetics and integrating them into contemporary living spaces, Chi Design's products combine techniques from Japan and Taiwan, bringing Japanese traditional craftsmanship and Taiwanese industrial technology to the world. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted by artisans, highlighting their delicate craftsmanship and warmth.

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